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Los Angeles, USA


2 x 45 mins & 1 x 15 min

Hayden Allcorn is an award winning and internationally touring comedy magician from Hollywood, California!
Hayden Allcorn is an exceptionally talented chameleon magician with a remarkable ability to transform any show into an unforgettable experience.

Hayden brings his family friendly shows, with a fun bit of an edge, to amaze and astound while his new and infectious energy is keeping the audience entertained and laughing! Whether he is performing classic and elevated slight of hand and manipulation, bring guests onstage to impossibly read their minds with a wildly comedic twist, escaping from a straight jacket in the most unusual of circumstances, or even defying the ordinary by eating fire (ship/venue specific), Hayden's unique and original blend of storytelling, crowd work, magic, adaptability, and comedy is guaranteed to entertain each and every audience, leaving the crowd walking away wanting more and making memorable moments that will last the entire holiday and beyond!

Hayden currently tours with over 130 minutes of material broken up into two 45 minute headlining shows, as well as heaps of extra material for special performances, Welcome Aboard Shows, and anything else you may need. Hayden can command the stage, entertain in the lounge, and even perform close up and intimate magic for guests in smaller venues!

“Hayden Allcorn is a comedic magician whose performances are nothing short of magical laughter! With a blend of astonishing tricks and side-splitting humor, Hayden takes you on a whimsical journey where the impossible becomes hysterically possible. Prepare to be amazed and amused as Hayden Allcorn weaves his spellbinding comedy magic that will leave you in stitches and wonder.” P&O Australia Cruises

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